"Lass is More" puts "Still Alice" Head-to-Head with "Fifty Shades"

On the surface you might not think that “Still Alice” and “Fifty Shades” could be compared.  But they can, they most certainly can.

What each of the two movies offer, at their core, is a look at a couple’s relationship.  One of these relationships is dealt with in an honest, open, and forthright manner while the other is hidden in secrecy, lies, foolishness, and refuses to tackle anything remotely real.  One doesn’t expect cinematic brilliance from “Fifty Shades” but two people laughing off statutory rape–and movie that is okay with that happening–is something else entirely.

“Lass is More” can’t say enough good things about “Still Alice” though, a movie which has instantly shot to the top of our “must-see if you haven’t yet” list.

photo credit: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment/Universal

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