“Lass is More” on “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2”

Sure, we didn’t have an episode last week, but that doesn’t mean we weren’t thinking about possible future episodes. In fact, to be specific about it, we were very much thinking about possible future episodes, and at least one of those possible future episodes is here with us now in the present.

Today, Josh takes a look at “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2”–which came out on Blu-ray last week–and technology. The MCU sequel is long on spectacle but short on plot (you can of course still read Josh’s review from the theatrical release, some of which is echoed here). The way Josh sees things that can work to some degree, but you have to put spectacle on the biggest screen possible, a viewpoint diametrically opposed by at least one of his two children.

Click play and hear Josh’s thoughts on the topic.


photo credit: Marvel Studios

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2 replies

  1. Not as fun as the first. But still a good time. Nice review.


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